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This is the page for the 2021 Year.

Facilitated during an active Pandemic, this year was the most different it's gonna get for a while.




As we all know, The COVID-19 Pandemic led to one of the worst years in history in 2020, and this effect prolonged into 2021. As a result, the Robo Lions declined to compete in official FRC competition since it was going to be a virtual format that was more like a presentation than a faithful competitive experience. Instead, the team focused on re-building, training a new fleet of rookies, and moving all their equipment to a new Build Space!!!


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  • Number of Members: 21
  • Number of Female Members: 7
  • Number of Male Members: 14
  • Number of Mentors: 4
  • Number of Freshmen: 0
  • Number of Sophomores: 2
  • Number of Juniors: 10
  • Number of Seniors: 8


See Also

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Year Navigation
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 History