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This page includes the history of the Peachtree Ridge robotics club (obviously).

Note: Some years may seem inaccurate, but this is because the team orients its history around when the FRC season actually is. Hence, in the school year of 2009-2010, it is our 2010 FRC season, thus the team calls it 2010. Events in a year are also fixed to this system, such as a fall event which occurs in the 2010 season, while in actuality, the calendar year that the event happened in is 2009. FIRST and other organizations may orient their timeline differently.

To see the category of history, click here.


In 2004, Brandon Adams founded the robotics team along with Diane Cass. Mrs. Cass had traveled from Oklahoma where she had been on a previous FIRST team. In conjunction with Brandon, his parents, and Mrs. Cass began to lay the foundation for a FIRST team. Somewhere along the line Paul Burrell came to help improve the robot. Gwen Albers came after Paul to point out that the robot needed spirit.[1]

Team Name

In 2004, Team 1261 was registered as "B3 - Break, Build, Believe". The name "Robo Lions" was the first name suggested by Gwen Albers and a few other members. Although they thought the name was "cute", the guys on the team quickly voted the name down.[2]

The name Robo Lions was later suggested by Kanav Jain to be the permanent team name.

History By Year


  1. "The Beginning of Robotics" by Paul Burrell.
  2. Matthew Newcomb said this.