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Neda Oromi

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Neda Oromi
Name Neda Oromi
Gender Female
Member in Year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021
Officer Position(s) Held CAD Lead in 2020 and 2021

What Got You Involved in the Team?

My homeroom teacher recommended I join robotics

Who is Your Role Model?


What are Your Future Career Plans

Mechanical engineer

Interests or Hobbies

Drawing, painting, watching anime, video games

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

None, robotics has become my whole life

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

Travel the world, own a bunch of animals- maybe even a monkey because they seem cool, have money

Favorite Robotics Quote

Not a quote but: *team captain threatens rookie with a 18” wrench*

Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?
