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2006 Aim High

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Aim High logo

Aim High was the FRC game for 2006.

Game Description

Robots start in the middle of the field, along side the length of the field. The game starts with 40 balls given to each alliance to place in their robots. Autonomous lasts for 10 seconds where upon robots try to score into the goals. Following that there are three 40 second periods - the second period, third period, and the final period. In the second and third period only one alliance can play offense while the other must play defense. In the final period both robots can play offense. Robots get extra points for getting onto the alliance platform at the end of the match.


Points are allotted as follows:

  • Center Goal - 3 points
  • Corner Goal - 1 point
  • Autonomous Bonus - Alliance with highest score at the end of autonomous receives a ten point bonus.
  • Robots on Alliance Platform
    • One Robot - 5 point
    • Two Robots - 10 points
    • Three or More Robots - 25 points

Field Description

3D Rendering of Aim High field layout

The field for Aim High is a 26 by 54 foot rectangular area. The field is practically empty other than the robot starting positions and the alliance platforms. The alliance platforms are ramps with a flat surface located on the alliance station wall. Above the alliance station wall is the center goal ten feet above the ground with the vision target. The corner goals are located in the corners of the field and robots can roll balls into them.


These are the robots that our team made for this game:

External Links