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2004 Raising the Bar: FIRST Frenzy

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Raising the Bar logo

Raising the Bar was the FRC game for 2004.

Game Description

The object of the game is to attain a higher score than your opponent alliance by delivering balls into goals, capping goals with larger balls, and/or having robots hanging from the Pull-Up Bar at the end of the round of competition. The point values for each of those actions are explained below.


  • A scored small ball is worth the point value printed on the ball (5 or 10 points).
  • A large ball capping a goal doubles the small balls scored within that goal. Small Balls may only be doubled once.
  • A robot hanging from the Pull-Up Bar at the end of a match is worth 50 points.

Field Description

3D Rendering of Raising The Bar field layout

The Raising the Bar field is 48 by 24 ft. Behind and above the alliance station wall is the ball delivery system where upon 18 balls from each side shall fall to come into play. In the center of the field is a deck that is raised up that has a pull-up bar. Extended out from the deck is the lower deck which has a stationary goal on it. Mobile goals can be found on the sides of the raised deck and can be moved during a match.


These are the robots that our team made for this game:

External Links