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Peachtree Regional

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The Peachtree Regional is perhaps the best FRC regional in Georgia, course it is the only one.

The Robo Lions have attended the Peachtree Regional every year since 2004, because it is the closest regional to the team, hosted at the Gwinnett Arena.

Game Announcer

The Peachtree Regional has had Sir Charles for the game announcer. In 2010 he was not the game announcer due to the Peachtree Regional being moved up to Week 1 and Sir Charles being game announcer at the another regional.

Deals with Sir Charles

During 2007 ( Rack 'n' Roll), Sir Charles made a bet with the robots at the Peachtree Regional that whomever was the first alliance to score all the way around the field element (a total of 256 points) he personally would buy the alliance donuts. Team 1261 successfully did this and was personally brought Dunkin' Donuts by Sir Charles at one meeting after the regional.

External Links