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Gag Awards

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The gag awards are joke awards given out to various members of the club for whatever funny or notable actions they did throughout the year.


The gag awards were created in 2008 by Tanner Smith and Stephen Mihalko as something fun and humorous for the club to laugh about. Though not exactly the original plan, the awards helped bring the season to a hilarious closing spite how the robot did.


Generally the gag awards are assembled by a few members (one to three) who have a knack for humorous things. The authors think of the awards and have their signatures on the resulting award certificate given out at the end of the year party.

Previous authors for gag awards have been:

Previous Awards




  • Andrew Bare-Most likely to have his hands in his pockets
  • Chris Bare- Most likely apply theoretical physics to a bot design
  • Greg Hentz- Most likely to wear short shorts
  • Stuart Hentz- Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
  • Aakash Patel -Most likely to be ejected for a passionate outburst
  • Nitant Dandekar- Most likely to talk to a computer
  • Nick Allison- Most likely to pick up chicks at competition
  • Daniel Webb- Most likely to be detained by TSA
  • Daniel Li- Least likely guy to get voted off the island
  • Nina Tran- Most likely to catch you at the worst moment
  • Tammy Ong- Most likely to fix anything she touches
  • Nabil Khan- Most likely to get a get out of makeup work
  • Preston Shaw- Most likely to be caught playing flappy bird
  • Caroline Means- Most likely to hyperventilate, daily
  • Mackenzie Glaser- Most likely to tell you to leave the pit...and not be listened to
  • Alexis Phipps- Mostly likely to need a drink
  • Don Shaw- Most likely to file a complaint
  • Dallas Corley- Most likely to have story about, anything.
  • Scott Karlins- Most likely to be involved in a secret government operation
  • Mr. Webb-Most likely to steal borrow materials from his company
  • Mr. Phipps- Most likely to ruin his car




